Small Groups & Studies

Many of our small groups are on "summer break" from June - August. This allows our leaders a time to rest and provides participants opportunities to engage in other kinds of faith-building experiences. Listed below are groups that are meeting regularly through the remainder of the summer.  If you are looking to connect, lead, or initiate a new study, please reach out to Melissa Danielson.

Sunday Morning Adult

Sunday from 9:15 - 10:30 AM in the Living Room
Led by Richard Beech:, 724-372-0148
Study: Scripture based study
A diverse group of men and women at different stages of the Christian faith exploring Scripture and its application to life.


Sunday from 10:45 - 11:45 AM in Room 205

Led by Van and Karen Campbell:, 724-967-1460

Study: Desiring God (John Piper) video series

Traditional Sunday School class for adults ages 55+.

Ambassadors for Christ: People Who Shaped the Christian Church

Sunday from 9:15 - 10:30 AM in Room 201

Led by Jeff Weinel:

Study: This class will share the historical biographies of early Church personalities from the early centuries to the Reformation. Each class will be offered as an independent lesson to accommodate summer schedules so attend as often as you are able, but know you won't be "behind" if you miss a week or a few due to travel and vacations.

WEekday Adult


Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the Living Room

Led by Lori Bishop:

Study: The Bible Recap

Join others and read through the Bible in 2024 with The Bible Recap: A One Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible. Daily reading and reflection is completed on your own using The Bible Recap sources available online; a small group gathering will be available for those who are interested in group reflection and discussion.


Thursday from 7:15 - 8:00 AM at Beans on Broad

Led by Mike Jackson:, 724-974-8091

Study: The Gospel of Mark and Luke

A Bible study for men (primarily ages 40+).


Friday from 7:00 - 8:00 AM in the Living Room

Led by Richard Beech:, 724-372-0148

Study: Bible-based study

A small Bible study group of men ages 40+; open to men of all ages.

Youth & Children's Ministry Groups

Middle School & High School

Sunday and weekday small groups can be found on the Youth Page. For more information, contact Luke Fugate.

Children's Ministry (Ages 2 - 5th Grade)

Sunday and weekday small groups can be found on the Children's Ministry Page. For more information, contact Ilma De La Rosa.