We have several great ways for you to get connected and serve your community! Contact Luke Fugate for additional information.
Youth Service Opportunities
4th of July Block Party
Tuesday, July 4
7:00 - 9:45 PM
At East Main
Help our church host a fun and festive July 4 Block Party for our community. Through this annual event we seek to serve and connect with our neighbors! Volunteers are needed to help with planning and organizing before the event as well as to help with set up, greeting, serving food, and clean up the day of. Contact Melissa Danielson if you would like to volunteer.
Acts 11:8 Initiative
(Middle School Missions Trip)
Urban Promise
(High School Missions TRip)
Summer Blast
(Vacation Bible School)
August 7 - 10
At East Main
Teen and adult leaders needed for our upcoming Kingdom Rock Summer Blast (VBS). Areas include: crafts, games, Bible story, and decorations. The time commitment is only four evenings from 5:30 - 8PM (Dinner is served at 5PM). Sign up on the connect card or email Teresa Glasgow at Jamkids@eastmainpc.org