Church Has Left The Building

November 6th, 2022

IT's BACK and hopefully better than ever! Our annual serve-day is coming up in November and we are looking for even more volunteers than before.  You can come by yourself, with your family, or with a group or team and work together to serve our community. Projects are collected and sorted based on type and skill level needed.  Volunteers are assigned to projects based on their desired type of work or abilities.  We work hard, smile a lot, and usually make a pretty great difference in someone's day. Registration forms for volunteers are below.  If you would like assistance with a project at your home, please submit the project request form below to our office (either in person or via our office email). Or, you may call in and give details over the phone 724-458-8270. 


CHLTB Volunteer Form (Individual)

CHLTB Volunteer Form (Group / Family)


Small Groups


    Ten weeks of Fellowship and Bible study. Dinner (optional) is served at 6 pm, followed by game time and group study. The start date is February 13th. Reach out to Ilma Delarosa for more details and curriculum information at


    Ten weeks of Fellowship and Bible study. Dinner (optional) is served at 6 pm, followed by game time and group study. The start date is February 13th. Reach out to Ilma Delarosa for more details and curriculum information at

Easter is the celebration of God's promise for all who believe and the most monumental and celebrated day in the Christian church. Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death and offers hope to all of creation.  It's the most celebrated day of our year and we joyfully proclaim it.

Sunrise Service: 7:30 AM

Location: East Main Church Sanctuary

Our sunrise service is for those who desire to start the day with worship! It will include a small contemporary worship band, a more intimate experience, and a Bible-based sermon. As always, children are welcome. There will be no JAM children's classes at this service.

Breakfast Break - 8:15 - 9:00 AM

Enjoy some hot drinks and warm eats. Breakfast will be available for free (including kid-centric options) in our Fellowship Hall.  

Classic Service: 9:15 AM

Location: East Main Church Sanctuary

Our classic service will be in our East Main sanctuary and will include traditional music and our regular service elements. Our sanctuary will be decorated with bright Easter flowers. As always, children are welcome. 

Children's Egg Hung: 10:30 AM (exactly)!

Location: Big Rail Brewing

Preschool and elementary students are invited to a good old-fashioned egg hunt.  Look for the signs and line up according to age group to dash for the candy-filled eggs! 

Contemporary Service: 11 AM

Location: Big Rail Brewing

Our contemporary service will include our worship band and Bible-based teaching in a relaxed outdoor environment. Please dress for the weather and bring a chair! As always, children are welcome. There will be no JAM children's classes at this service.

Why Are You Having Services at a Brewery?

Our outdoor Easter services at Big Rail started during 2021 and have been a highly anticipated annual event ever since.  We hope this park-like environment is relaxed and inviting to our guests and provides an alternative worship space...God's creation! We are grateful to Big Rail Brewing for their hospitality! FYI, the brewery is not open for business during our services. 

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Holy Week & Easter Sunday INfo

  • The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning “command.” Maundy Thursday was the evening where Jesus served The Last Supper, washed his disciples feet in a gesture of great humility, and commanded us to "love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another" (John 13:34).

    Our Maundy Thursday service is a classic style service at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 28th in the sanctuary. We will take communion, remembering the importance of the Last Supper that Christ shared with his disciples before his death.  This service will be in-person and online and, like always, children are welcome. There won't be childcare or JAM during the service. 

  • Good Friday is the day in which we remember Christ's suffering and death on the cross; His ultimate sacrifice for us. It's a service of quiet sobriety and reflection on what has been done for each of us.

    Our Good Friday service is a contemporary service at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary on Friday, March 29th.  This year we are providing a Tenebrae Service also called A Service of Shadows.  It is a meditation on Christ's suffering through scripture, music, silence and darkness.  Many of our teens help lead in this service which will guide you to reflect on Christ's personal suffering and monumental sacrifice.  This service will be in-person and, like always, children are welcome. There won't be childcare or JAM during the service. 

  • Easter is the celebration of God's promise for all who believe and the most monumental and celebrated day in the Christian church. Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death and offers hope to all of creation.  It's the most celebrated day of our year and we joyfully proclaim it.

    Sunrise Service: 7:30 AM

    Location: East Main Church Sanctuary

    Our sunrise service is for those who desire to start the day with worship! It will include a small contemporary worship band, a more intimate experience, and a Bible-based sermon. As always, children are welcome. There will be no JAM children's classes at this service.

    Breakfast Break - 8:15 - 9:00 AM

    Enjoy some hot drinks and warm eats. Breakfast will be available for free (including kid-centric options) in our Fellowship Hall.  

    Classic Service: 9:15 AM

    Location: East Main Church Sanctuary

    Our classic service will be in our East Main sanctuary and will include traditional music and our regular service elements. Our sanctuary will be decorated with bright easter flowers. As always, children are welcome. 

    Children's Egg Hung: 10:30 AM (exactly)!

    Location: Big Rail Brewing

    Preschool and elementary students are invited to a good old-fashioned egg hunt.  Look for the signs and line up according to age group to dash for the candy-filled eggs! 

    Contemporary Service: 11 AM

    Location: Big Rail Brewing

    Our contemporary service will include our worship band and Bible-based teaching in a relaxed outdoor environment. Please dress for the weather and bring a chair! As always, children are welcome. There will be no JAM children's classes at this service.

    Why Are You Having Services at a Brewery?

    Our outdoor Easter services at Big Rail started during 2021 and have been a highly anticipated annual event ever since.  We hope this park-like environment is relaxed and inviting to our guests and provides an alternative worship space...God's creation! We are grateful to Big Rail Brewing for their hospitality! FYI, the brewery is not open for business during our services. 

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hOly Week & easter Sunday INfo

  • Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and is the day we celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies of the Savior and King. One of the more anticipated segments of worship on this day is watching the children parade through our sanctuary waving palm branches in a similar fashion to the historical event. Palm Sunday services are at our regular times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM with children's JAM classes during both services. 

  • The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning “command.” Maundy Thursday was the evening where Jesus served The Last Supper, washed his disciples feet in a gesture of great humility, and commanded us to "love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another" (John 13:34).

    Our Maundy Thursday service is a classic style service at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 28th in the sanctuary. We will take communion, remembering the importance of the Last Supper that Christ shared with his disciples before his death.  This service will be in-person and online and, like always, children are welcome. There won't be childcare or JAM during the service. 

  • Good Friday is the day in which we remember Christ's suffering and death on the cross; His ultimate sacrifice for us. It's a service of quiet sobriety and reflection on what has been done for each of us.

    Our Good Friday service is a contemporary service at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary on Friday, March 29th.  This year we are providing a Tenebrae Service also called A Service of Shadows.  It is a meditation on Christ's suffering through scripture, music, silence and darkness.  Many of our teens help lead in this service which will guide you to reflect on Christ's personal suffering and monumental sacrifice.  This service will be in-person and, like always, children are welcome. There won't be childcare or JAM during the service. 

  • Easter is the celebration of God's promise for all who believe and the most monumental and celebrated day in the Christian church. Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death and offers hope to all of creation.  It's the most celebrated day of our year and we joyfully proclaim it.

    Sunrise Service: 7:30 AM

    Location: East Main Church Sanctuary

    Our sunrise service is for those who desire to start the day with worship! It will include a small contemporary worship band, a more intimate experience, and a Bible-based sermon. As always, children are welcome. There will be no JAM children's classes at this service.

    Breakfast Break - 8:15 - 9:00 AM

    Enjoy some hot drinks and warm eats. Breakfast will be available for free (including kid-centric options) in our Fellowship Hall.  

    Classic Service: 9:15 AM

    Location: East Main Church Sanctuary

    Our classic service will be in our East Main sanctuary and will include traditional music and our regular service elements. Our sanctuary will be decorated with bright easter flowers. As always, children are welcome. 

    Children's Egg Hung: 10:30 AM (exactly)!

    Location: Big Rail Brewing

    Preschool and elementary students are invited to a good old-fashioned egg hunt.  Look for the signs and line up according to age group to dash for the candy-filled eggs! 

    Contemporary Service: 11 AM

    Location: Big Rail Brewing

    Our contemporary service will include our worship band and Bible-based teaching in a relaxed outdoor environment. Please dress for the weather and bring a chair! As always, children are welcome. There will be no JAM children's classes at this service.

    Why Are You Having Services at a Brewery?

    Our outdoor Easter services at Big Rail started during 2021 and have been a highly anticipated annual event ever since.  We hope this park-like environment is relaxed and inviting to our guests and provides an alternative worship space...God's creation! We are grateful to Big Rail Brewing for their hospitality! FYI, the brewery is not open for business during our services. 

Sunday, December 31st

One Service at 10:00 AM

We will have one worship service at 10:00 AM. The music portion of worship will include  contemporary elements. JAM children's ministry and youth Sunday School classes will not be in session due to the holiday. We look forward to celebrating the greatness of God together corporately! If you can't be here, you can view this service below by clicking the 'watch' button. 

Christmas Eve at East Main

  • CAROLS, Organ, LITURGY & Christmas MEssage

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  • CAROLS, Candles, Worship Band, Children's Message & Christmas MEssage

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  • CAROLS, Candles, ORGAN, Children's Message & CHRISTMAS MESSAGE

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  • CAROLS, Candles, Communion, Organ & CHRISTMAS MESSAGE

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Service in the park

Oct. 15, 2023

Classic Service at 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary

Sunday, Oct. 15th we will have our Classic service in the sanctuary as usual. It's about an hour long and includes music (primarily hymns with organ accompaniment), liturgy, and Bible-rich sermons.  Attendees are welcome to dress however they feel comfortable. Children's JAM classes and Youth Sunday School will be in session. 

Contemporary Service at 10:45 at Monteleone Pavilion, Memorial Park

We love the times we can worship outside in God's creation! Our service is an hour long with music led by our worship band, liturgy, and Bible-rich sermons. Attendees are welcome to dress however they feel this case, dress warm! Blankets encouraged if needed. This service is a 'family worship' style service where we will not have JAM classes or youth classes. Instead, we ask that families worship together.

Heart for Missions Market

Heart for Missions Market is an interactive experience where kids and adults can 'visit' 10 of East Main's mission partners starting at 10 am through 1 pm on Sunday, February 5 in Fellowship Hall. A hot breakfast will be served all morning and there will be a trivia hunt for kids through 5th grade with prizes!!! Shopping lists will be available that morning and online so that market goers can check off what they want to sponsor financially for the various mission partners. Then market goers can 'check out' with their completed shopping list at the door by paying with cash, check, or online with their phone.

Interested in volunteering in the kitchen or donating food? Sign up on the connect card or Contact Tracy Jackson at

Mission Market Online Order Form

MISSION MARKET Printable PDF Order Form

Sunday, Oct. 15th we will havewill be a Family Worship Sunday when we encourage families to worship together.  About once a month we schedule a Family Worship Sunday so that children can experience worship in 'big church' while our committed volunteers have a little rest.  Need more info? Check out our Children's Ministry page.

Our Classic Service is an hour long and includes music (primarily hymns with organ accompaniment), liturgy, and Bible-rich sermons.  Attendees are welcome to dress however they feel comfortable. 

Contemporary service is an hour long worship service including music led by our worship band, liturgy, and Bible-rich sermons. Attendees are welcome to dress however they feel comfortable.

CHILDREN: JAM Children's Ministry is back in session. Check-in is located at the base of the large stairwell by our Welcome Center (follow the signs). Parents can use the Cozy Place Space in our Welcome Center and moms can use our Mommy Suite right down the hall for squiggly little ones who find pew-sitting difficult. We always welcome children in service! More info is on our Children's Page.

*Both services will be live streamed and also available for viewing on our website (below), Facebook page and Youtube Channel shortly after they conclude. 

JAM Children's Ministry is back in session on Sunday Mornings. Check-in is located at the base of the large stairwell by our Welcome Center (follow the signs). Parents can use the Cozy Place Space in our Welcome Center and moms can use our Mommy Suite right down the hall for squiggly little ones who find pew-sitting difficult. We always welcome children in service! More info is on our Children's Page.